:Base BEYOND32.HLP>alt :Title Beyond Compare 1 Willkommen!=What_Is_Beyond_Compare_ 1 Welcome to Beyond Compare 2 Features=Features 2 Who is Scooter Software?=Scooter_Software 1 What Do You Want to Compare Today? 2 Keeping folders in sync=Keeping_Folders_in_Sync 2 Merging changes to source code=Merging_Changes_to_Source_Code 2 Verifying CD copies=Verifying_CD_Copies>alt 2 Dealing with Daylight Saving problems=The_Daylight_Saving_problem 1 How to Compare Folders 2 Overview=Comparing_Directories 2 What's a session?=Managing_Sessions 2 What are rules?=Rules 2 Criteria for mismatched files=Comparison_Criteria 2 Controlling what displays=Display_Filters 2 Including subfolders=Comparing_Subdirectories 2 Sorting the display=Sort_By_buttons 2 Finding a filename quickly=Find_Filename 2 Comparing files with different names=Link_Files_feature 2 Adjusting for different time zones=Time_Zone_Adjustment 2 Quick compare of file contents=Quick_Compare 2 Printing a comparison report=Printing_a_directory_comparison 1 How to Synchronize Folders 2 Synchronize folders=Synchronize_Folders 2 Copying files and folders=File_Copy_buttons 2 Deleting files and folders=Delete_button 2 Renaming files=Rename_button 1 How to Compare Files 2 The default file viewer=Comparing_Files 2 Plugin file viewers=Plugins 2 Visualizing whitespace=Show_Whitespace_button 2 Controlling text synchronization=Text_Sync_Options 2 Sync-it-yourself=_Sync_it_yourself__Feature 2 Editing files=Editing_Files 2 Printing a differences report=Differences_Report_btn 2 Line termination issues=Line_Termination 2 Comparing .DFM files=Comparing_.DFM_Files. 2 Ignoring leading, trailing columns=Ignoring_Leading_Columns 1 File Comparison Rules 1 Miscellaneous Topics 2 Customizing program behavior=Setting_Program_Options 2 Open with...=Open_With 2 Drag and Drop=Drag_and_Drop 2 Keyboard Shortcuts=Keyboard_Shortcuts 2 Command line parameters=Command_Line_Parameters 2 Command line switches=Command_Line_Switches 2 Sharing Beyond Compare on a network=Sharing_a_Network_Copy 2 Direct Cable Connection (DCC)=Direct_Cable_Connection__DCC_ 2 Error codes=Error_Codes 1 Ordering, Support 2 License Agreement=License_Agreement 2 Pricing=Pricing 2 Where's the disk?=Distribution 2 How to order Beyond Compare=Ordering_Info 2 How to contact us=How_To_Contact_Us